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Mahasiswa Jogja The sound of spilled water || Suara Kaki Basah

        This story is provided in two language: Bahasa Indonesia and English. Story in English is provided First and story in Bahasa follows. 


Mahasiswa Jogja's story list
1. Mahasiswa Jogja The sound of spilled water || Suara Kaki Basah
2. Mahasiswa Jogja Mysterious Call || Telepon Misterius (Chapter 1)

I am a college student of an Art Institute in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Those who has ever come to Yogyakarta will know what Institute that I am studying now. Technically, I am not a pure artist for the department I take here is Graphic Design department. I started living in Yogyakarta since 2009, I live here in a rented room or here it is commonly called as “Kosan”. From now on the Kosan term that I will use here means a rented room or house. as a student, I always chose a kosan that is near to the campus. I will not take those whose location is far from campus. Thus, the story that I was going to tell about here will be about my campus. But don’t worry, there will be another story that is not talking about my campus.

        I am a Dayak descent but I have no magical power or mystical ability like what a Dayak descent usually has. I am raised in a Muslim family that teaches us not to believe on that such a thing. Automatically, till now I always consider a mystical or supernatural matter as a less-important matter. In a short way, it can be said that I don’t come from a superstitious family, I don’t have a sixth sense and also I haven’t been attacked by withcraft.

        In this story, I will tel you about my scary experienced that I had in my first kosan. Before I tell the story I will describe you about what my first kosan look like.

       My first kosan was located behind the campus-mosque. There was a garden behind my first kosan. That garden was filled by banana trees. In the left side of my kosan was a small path that will lead you the banana trees garden. The road in front of kosan was a dirt road and across of it was a small river. In the afternoon, I frequently see a farmer that was his buffalo there. Something spooky in my kosan is that the lamp attached in the ceiling of my kosan was not bright, it was dim. And in the night it would become even spookier. 

       My kosan-building was two-storey building. In the first floor there were five rooms and also a garage. Three rooms sto be rented when I was there, one room was used as warehouse while another room was used as bathroom and also kitchen. While in the second floor, there were three rooms. So the total room that was intended to be rented from first and second from were six rooms. Ironically, there room that was rented is only three rooms. Two rooms in second floor and one room in the first floor. My room itself was in the first floor at that time. I chose first floor because it was practical if you wanted to go out. I didn’t have to walk up or walk down the stairs. Besides that reason, reasons why I chose first floor’s room was were also because the room was larger than in the second floor and also bathroom and kitchen is located in the first floor.

      There was nothing wrong happened in my first three month living in my kosan. Until one night……. That night, my two friends, they were my senior in my campus walked down the stair and visited my room. He asked for some movies in my laptop. Then I gave him my laptop and he started to copy the movie he wanted. While waiting the copying process done, we were having a chat. Suddenly, we heard sound of a water that spilled from the tub from the second floor. 

      We were very confused. How can a sound of a spilled water from a tub came from the second floor while in fact there was no a bathroom up there. The bathroom was in the first floor. Logically, there was not supposed to be a spilled water sound in the second floor. I thought it may come from a rain, then I looked the window and there was no rain.
The three of us then looked at each other. Silent. We were so confused. 

Then one of my friend said “Do you turn on the bathroom’s faucets?”

“Totally No” I said .

    Then we were being silent (again). The sound of spilled water was still heard. We, then, made bold of ourselves to investigate the bathroom. When we checked, the bathroom’s faucets was not turn on and also there were no spilled water in the bathroom. Oddly, the sound of spilled water was still heard. 

      At a sudden, there was a sound of a person that was running over a puddle of water. The sound of it was like a sound of gurgling water. We clearly heard that sound that night.  A sound of a person that run in the floor that was flooded by water, you can imagine that!

       That time, we were not confused any more, it was worse. We were scared. Fortunately, we can still control ourselves and three of us made bold to climb up the stair to see what happened. When we were in the middle of the rung, we can still heard the sound. Then, we reached the top of the rung, and what we saw in the second floor really made me even scared to death. We didn’t see a ghost or whatever. Yes, we didn’t see anything. The floor is dry. Not wet even a bit and the sound of spilled water and running person disappeared suddenly.

       Then we rushed to climb down the stairs. We ran to angkringan near my kosan. We need a space and fresh air to live after this breath-taking experienced.

Note: Angkringan is like a traditional Javanese food court that sells many Javanese food.

The original version story written in Bahasa is taken from|| Tulisan asli berbahasa Indonesia di ambil dari here!


          Ane sekarang adalah mahasiswa tingkat akhir di perguruan tinggi negeri seni di Jogja gan. Agan-agan yang pernah di jogja pasti tau lah kampus ane  Tapi ane secara teknis bukan seniman murni. Secara, ane disini kuliahnya desain grafis. Ane mulai kuliah di Jogja dari tahun 2009. Selama hampir 5 tahun ini, kos ane kaga pernah pindah jauh-jauh dari kampus. Males gan repot Jadi, sebagian besar cerita ane akan bersetting kampus ane. Tapi tenang aja. Nanti cerita dari temen-temen ane settingnya beragam kok

            Ane masih keturunan dayak gan. Tapi kaga punya kekuatan mistis apa-apa kayak sesepuh sini . Ane dibesarin di keluarga muslim yang kaga percaya sama begituan. Otomatis, sampe sekarang ane kaga terlalu mentingin yang gaib-gaib an gitu gan. Singkatnya, ane kaga punya basic keluarga yang supersticious, ane kaga punya indera keenam atau semacamnya, ane juga kaga pernah kena santet, dsb,dsb. gitu gan.

          Oke gan ini cerita seri pertama. Kejadian ini terjadi di kos pertama ane. Ane jelasin dulu yak gimana penampakannya kos ane ini.. Kos pertama ane ini tempatnya di belakang masjid kampus gan. Dibelakang kos ane kebon pisang. Disamping kiri ada jalan kecil yang masuk ke kebon pisan belakang kos. Di seberang jalan tanah kecil itu ada kebon pisang lagi. Di depan kos ane jalan tanah, diseberang kos ane ini ada aliran sungai kecil. Biasanya kalo sore-sore ada mbah-mbah mandiin kebonya disitu

        Disebelah kanan kos ane ini rumah kecil yang dihuni 1 keluarga. Ada pasutri paruh baya, anak kecil dua sama mbah putri. Keluarga tetangga kos ane ini tergolong miskin gan. Keluar dari gang kos ane, ngelewatin jembatan kecil di atas sungai udah masuk fakultas media rekam kampus ane. Nah, di areal gang ini cuma ada 2 rumah ini aja. 2-2 nya bangunan baru pasca gempa.

         Parahnya, di sekitar kos ane ini lampu jalannya cuma 1 gan. Jadi kalo malem rada redup gitu

         Kos ane ini tingkat 2 gan. Lantai bawah ada 5 kamar sama garasi, 3 kamar dikosin, 1 kamar dijadiin gudang, 1 kamar mandi+dapur. Lantai 2 ada 3 kamar. Total semua kamar yang dikosin ada 6 kamar. Ironisnya, yang keisi waktu itu cuma 3. 2 kamar di atas, dan kamar ane sendirian di bawah. 2 kamar yang atas senior ane dari jurusan lain.
          Ane milih kamar bawah ini soalnya serba praktis gan. Kamarnya lebih gede, deket dapur sama kamar mandi pula.

         Kaga kerasa ane udah ngekos disini 3 bulan. Awalnya sih kaga ada apa-apa gan di kos ini. Sampek suatu hari, malem-malem 2 senior ane yang diatas turun ke kamar ane buat ngopi pilm. Bukan bokep ya gan. Pas lagi di kamar ane, kita kan ngobrol-ngobrol tuh gan. Trus tiba-tiba dari lantai dua kedengeran suara gemericik aer kayak aer luber dari bak kamar mandi.  Padahal kan ya gan, kamar mandi tuh di lantai satu. Dapur juga. Jadi harusnya ga ada sumber aer di lantai 2. Kondisinya juga lagi ga ujan.

        Trus kita bertiga pada diem gan dikamar ane. Kita pada bingung kan. Terus salah satu senior ane nyeletuk, "Kamu nyalain aer kamar mandi po?". Ya ane jawab engga gan. Udah gitu kita diem lagi. Suara aernya masih gemericikan gan.

          Akhirnya kita bertiga keluar kamar dan ngecek kamar mandi. Airnya mati. Bak sama wastafel juga kering. Tapi suara aer dari lantai 2 masih kedengeran. Dan setelah kita konfirmasi, emang suaranya dari lantai 2 gan.  Trus tiba-tiba ya gan, dari lantai 2 tuh kedengeran suara orang lari, tapi langkah kakinya basah. Jadi gedebuh-gedebug di lantai atas, sambil ada suara kecipuk kecipuk gitu gan. Anjir bener dah.

         Kita bertiga sebenernya takut gan. Apalagi ane. Masih cupu gitu. Tapi terus kedua senior ane ngajak ngecek ke atas. Nah daripada ane diospekin lagi, mending ane ikut aja gan.
         Awalnya kita ngira itu mungkin dispenser galon dilanatai 2 bocor. Akhirnya kita naek tangga. Pas kita setengah jalan ditangga, suara gemericikan aer sama langkah kaki orang lari-lari basahnya masih ada gan. Nah, pas senior ane nyunguk dari tangga ke arah lantai 2, tuh suara gemericikan sama orang lari tiba-tiba berenti cobak. Anjiiiiiirrrrrrr . Pas kita bertiga nyampe lantai 2, tuh ruangan kosong gan. Ga ada orang. Ga ada aer. Lantainya kering.

          Akhirnya, kita bertiga langsung ngacir ke angkringan deket kos


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