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Mahasiswa Jogja Mysterious Call || Telepon Misterius (Chapter 1)

This is another story about my kosan. As I said before, Kosan is an Indonesian term referring to a room that is rented. 
Mahasiswa Jogja's Story list

   This incident happened in my first kosan. As I told before in my pervious story. Besides me, there were two other students that live in my kosan building. Let’s say their names are Adi and Gani. They studied on the same institute with me but they took different department. The department they took was Photography department. 

       A month passed after the spilled water accident and we was not afraid anymore to stay in our spooky kosan. At least, we now could stand to stay in kosan alone. For your information, after those spilled water incident we didn’t want to stay alone in kosan. I , myself spent more time in Mosque near my campus rather than in my room. 

        One night, it was about 11.00 P.M.. I was in my room and I was alone. I was doing my job that time. I had an order to make a design of a product as my job at that time is a freelance product designer. There were no one in my kosan but me. Adi and Gani were out that night. Frankly, I didn’t want to stay alone that night but because the due date of my job was tomorrow, I had no choice but making sure to have my job done tonight. Actually, I could do my job in mosque at which there would be a lot of people and I wouldn’t be alone. Unfortunately, I was kind of easily-distracted man that couldn’t do any job if there were lot of noise thus, I didn’t do my job at the mosque. 

        I was doing my job in my laptop. While I was working with my laptop, I was also texting with my girlfriend. I had long distance relationship with her. So, texting or calling was the way to spend our time together. While I was texting, at a sudden there was an incoming call in my phone screen. The number that called me look unfamiliar for I didn’t feel I ever saved that number on my contacts list. I thought at that time, that number was my client’s number. So, I pick that call up.

Me: Hallo, Assalamu’alaikum
Caller: (Silent)
Me: Hallo. Assalmualikum. Who is this?
Caller: (Silent)
Me: Halo? Don’t be silent please! Who is it?
Caller: I am Monika

When the caller said that she was Monika, I was confused as I didn’t have any friend whose name was Monika. Then I asked her again

Me: Monika? Monika  who?
Caller: I am Monika
Me: Yes I know. But Monika who
Caller: I am Monika

        As the caller repeated her answers over and over again, I got pissed off. I felt that someone did some prank on me. The sound of the caller was really low like someone whispering. Afterwards, as I got pissed off, I hung up the call. But as I hung up the call, the caller was calling me again, I then rejected the call. She called me again after that and I rejected and it happened over and over. Then, as I was getting furious of this kind of unpleasant calling, I decided to turn off my phone.

      At first, I thought that was my college friends that did some prank on me by calling me as anonymous caller. If only those caller had spoken clearly on the phone, I would have been able to identify who the caller was. Then, to kill my suspicious, I sent message to my college friends, especially to the girls one to ask whether they knew about the number calling me. But then, they replied that they also didn’t knew the number. Well, as I didn’t want to get the thing more complicated, I decided not to think about the number any more.
Then, something strange happened after I turn off my phone for a day.

…………………………………….TO BE CONTINUED………………………………

 The original story is taken from here!

Lanjut ya gaaannn.. Kejadian kedua ini masih di kos pertama ane di jogja gan. Di cerita sebelumnya ane lupa cerita nih. Kos ane ini kebetulan warnanya oren. Jadi mulai sekarang, kita sebut aja kos pertama ane di jogja ini sebagai "Kos Oren".  Seperti yang udah ane ceritain, ane ngekos disini bareng 2 senior ane beda jurusan. Sebut aja namanya Adi dan Gani. Keduanya mahasiswa senior jurusan fotografi gan.  

Selang 1 bulanan dari kejadian pertama kemaren, kita bertiga udah agak berani buat berlama-lama di kos. Sebelumnya, ane jadi takut gan kalo sendirian di kos. Jadi lebih sering nginep di masjid kampus(ane pengurus masjid).  

Suatu malem, sekitar jam 11an, ane kan lagi di kamar tuh gan. Ane lagi ngerjain orderan desain dari klien(maklum freelancer) Mas Adi sama Mas Gani lagi ga dikos. Berhubung ini gawean deadlinenya besok subuh, ane beraniin dikos sendirian ngebut ngerjain. Kalo takut kenapa ane kaga ngerjain di masjid aja? Kan pake leptop? Ane orangnya gampang teralih perhatiannya gan. Malesnya, kalo di tempat yang banyak anak ngumpul, ane jadi ga bisa konsen ngerjain gawean..

Nah, ane sambil klak klik mouse sama keyboard nih gan, sambil smsan sama cewek ane juga gan(kita LDRan ceritanya). Trus tiba-tiba hape ane yang satunya geter(hape ane ada dua gan). Ada orang telepon ane gan. No.nya kaga ada di kontak ane . Yang kek gini cukup sering sih. Biasanya klien kan hape nya lebih dari 1. Jadi ya ane kira ini telepin dari klien ane yang buat besok subuh.
Jadi ane angkat aja nih telepon.

Ane: "Assalamualaikum"
Penelepon: *sepi ga ada suara*
Ane: *ane kira sinyal lagi jelek* "Halo? Halo? Assalammualaikum.. Ini siapa yak?"
Penelepon: *masih diem*
Ane: "Halo? Kok diem aja sih? Halo? Ini siapa yak?"
Penelepon: "Aku monika"
Ane kaga punya kenalan yang namanya Monika gan. Jadi ane tanya lagi..

Ane: "Monika siapa yak?"
Penelepon: "Aku monika"
Ane: "Eh? Iya.. Monika siapa ya?"
Penelepon: "Aku monika"

Nah disini nih ane mulai ngerasa kesel gan. Berasa dijailin gitu dah. Ini suara cewek ngomongnya pelan banget gan. Kayak bisik-bisik gitu. Suaranya rada cute gitu sih sebenernya Tapi berhubung ane kesel, jadi kaga peduli.

Asyemnya, ni cewek tiap kali ane tanyain apa aja, jawabannya "aku monika" gitu terus gan. Kek mesin penjawab telepon gitu Lama-lama kan ane tambah kesel gan. Akhirnya tuh telepon ane tutup aja gan. Nah, tiap kali habis ane tutup teleponnya, tuh nomer langsung telepon lagi. Ane reject. Dia telepon lagi. Kek gini sampek berkali-kali gan. Kesel juga kan lama-lama . Akhirnya hape kedua
ane ini ane matiin.

Awalnya ane kira ini temen kampus ane atau cewek ane lagi gangguin ane. Suaranya kaga seberapa jelas sih. Jadi ane kaga bisa ngira-ngira suaranya sapa. Ane sampek sms-sms cewek ane. Tapi doi kaga tau gan. Kaga ngerasa jailin ane. Yaudahlah. Akhirnya ane biarin aja dah. Palingan orang iseng, pikir ane.

Tetapi ternyata itu bukan keisengan biasa....................tetap baca kisah selanjutnya


  1. Anjrit merinding gua, siapa ya tuh monika sue bener. Oh iya cerita sebelumnya mana ya gan saya belom baca nyari" gak ketemu

  2. misteri dari monika.... nunggu lanjutannnya。。


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