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Manik Angkeran, the Boy Who Liked Gambling || Balinese Folklore

Once there in a village in Bali, there lived a good-looking man named Manik Angkeran. Manik Angkeran was a son of Empu Sidhi Mandra. When he was child, Manik spent his boyhood by playing with other boys in the village. Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to carefully choose those who he would spend his day by playing with. He had many bad friends that would give him bad influence. Manik grew up as a man that liked to gamble. And as his parents noticed it, they started to worry. “My Son, I have noticed lately that you have always spend your day gambling with your friends” said his father in one occasion “Don’t you realize that what you have done is not giving you any beneficial effect toward your life neither is it making your life better. Just stop gambling!” But, as his father done talking, Manik would leave home and still continued his bad habit. Almost every of his day was spend on the gambling place. He would never help his parents with their jobs. One day, as he knew that

“You Should Buy and Read This Tempting and Intriguing Novel!” (The Girl on the Train)

Hi there. How are you? I am back again right now to give you a review of a book that I just finished reading about 15 minutes ago. It’s not a book actually, it’s a novel. But who cares? A novel is still a book, isn’t it? Well, the novel that I have been reading for more than a month (Ghosh, that such a bad habits of mine to read a book for a long time!) is “The Girl on the Train”. Well, I am sure some of you have heard about it or maybe have read it. And deep down in my heart, I will not be regret to spend a long time to finish reading the book as it successfully gives me a thrilling and anger sensation. Well, it may sound a bit too much and melodramatic but I think my feeling had not been so much involved whenever I read a book till I got this one on my hand. So what is the book about? Well, without any intention to give you a spoiler, I want to hand you, I mean to give a brief review about the plot of the story of the novel. The novel is talking about a life a wom

Pengalaman Test TOEFL, dll. || Chapter 2

“Bla…Bla…Bla”!!!!!!!! teriak kondektur kopaja 502 ketika kita sudah menyebrang jalan dan menghampiri bus yang didominasi warna hijau dan putih tersebut. Gue tulis “bla, bla,bla” karena gue ga inget apa yang diterikan kondukter tersebut. Kopaja 502 tersebut berhenti di bahu jalan tepat di depan universitas yang memiliki nama seperti presiden pertama Indonesia. Yap, Universitas Bung Karno. Moda transportasi yang mengantarkan gue dan temen gue ke kampus yang dituju Pengalaman Test TOEFL, Dll . Chapter 1   Gue: Ini universitas negri ya? Temen gue: Bukan, swasta (singkat) Gue; Bangunannya klasik banget ya? Kayak bangunan tua Temen gue: (diem) ga respon mungkin bosen denger gue ngoceh mulu. Di belakang, kondukter kopaja masih berteriak-teriak menunggu penumpang. Beberapa penumpang mulai memasuki transportasi yang diisukan akan dihetikan operasinnya ini oleh Gubernur Jakarta. Hujan di luar masih berjatuhan dengan setianya, udara semakin dingin. Kedinginan itu t

Pengalaman Test TOEFL, dll. || Chapter 1

Hello Guys, How are you? I hope you are feeling well today as I am going to tell you about my experiences taking an ITP TOEFL test last Thursday (25 February 2015). Well, to avoid making you get confused, I’ll tell it in Bahasa Indonesia. Hehe   Stasiun dimana gue berhenti sebelum gue naik kopaja 502 Jadi ceritanya kamis kemaren gue ngambil test ITP TOEFL, untuk keperluan S2 gue, di salah satu universitas negri di daerah Salemba. You know lah universitas apa itu. Ceritannya, buat antisipasi keterlambatan, gue ama temen gue datang dari jam 10. Guyuran hujan menyambut kedatangaan kami di stasiun kereta api daerah tersebut. Bingung, karena ini kali pertamanya kita di daerah ini. Kamipun mencoba bertanya kepada satpam. Dengan keberanian yang gue miliki, gue pun nyuruh temen gue buat nanya satpam. Temen gue dengan manut nya, lalu bertanya kepada satpam yang berdiri laiknya patung pancoran di depan pintu keluar stasiun. Temen gue: ***************** (gue ga denger dia bil