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Wow! Tenyata Kran Air digunakan Sejak 3000 Tahun yang Lalu!!!

"Nobble deeds and hot baths are the best cures for depressions."  Quote di atas setidaknya mengatakan salah satu fungsi mandi (dalam hal ini mandi air panas) yang dapat menymebuhkan depresi. Mandi memang memiliki banyak manfaat. Selain dapat menghilangkan kotoran atau bau yang menempel pada tubuh, mandi juga dapat menyegarkan tubuh dan pikiran yang lelah. Ngomong-ngomong tentang mandi, pasti kita akan juga berbicara tentang kamar mandi dan peralatan yang menunjung kita mandi dan salah satunya adalah kran air. Nah, di artikel ini saya akan mengupas asal-usul tentang kran air. Mungkin beberapa diantara kita pernah memikiran bagaimana kran air yang sangat membantu mengeluarkan air dari tangki penampung air ini ditemukan. Agar rasa penasaran kalian terobati, mari kita simak penjelasan berikut ini.        A.      Kran, Awal Mula Pengunaannya Seperti yang dikutip dari situs, pengunaannya ternyata telah dimulai sejak beribu tahun yang lalu. D

Lutung Kasarung, The Untold Legend of a Talking Ape. || West Java Folklore || Part 1

Lutung Kasarung, The Untold Story of a Talking Ape|| West Java Folklore|| Part 2 . Once, there was akingdom in West Java ruled by a wise king named Prabu Tapa Agung. The Kingdon name was Pasir Batang Kingdom. The king had seven daughters that were beautiful. They were Purbarang (the eldest). Purbadewata, Purbaendah, Purbakancana, Purbamanik, and Purbasari (the youngest). From those seven daughters, five of them had married, and they were Purbaarang, and Purbasari that hadn’t married yet. Lately, The king, Prabu Tapa Agung alsways sat in his throne and had a sad expression in his face. It looked like that he had a very big problem. Seeing what happened to the king, the queen tried to talk about the problem with the king. “My husband, you looked dampish lately, what happened? What had burdened your mind, my husband? Tell me, I may be able to help you to lighten your burden.” Said the queen “My wife, I was growing older and older each day. I felt that I can’t rule the

How the Tortoise Became Bald || Kenapa Kura-Kura Bisa Botak || African Folklore

Ijapa the tortoise was not always a bald animal. He used to have hair on his head, however, due to unfortunate circumstances, which the tortoise brought "upon his own head" literally speaking, he lost it all. It happened a very long time ago, long before the tortoise broke his back, but that is another story altogether. The dog and his family had prepared a feast of yam porridge. The aroma reached the tortoise who immediately followed his nose which led him to the dog's home. The tortoise went in and saw that a big pot of yam porrigde was cooking.  Wanting all of it for himself, he called out to the dog and told him that he had brought a message from from the king. "The king wishes to see you and all your family in the palace", the tortoise said. The dogs immediately left to see the king leaving the tortoise with the big simmering pot of yam porrigde. The tortoise began to eat as fast as he could. He knew that the dogs would be back soon because the k