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Contoh soal narrative text 5 soal dan kunci jawabannya

Halo, Sahabat Kebun Cerita! Di hari yang cerah ini, saya akan memberikan contoh soal narrative text. Contoh soal ini dapat teman-teman gunakan untuk melatih kemampuan reading ataupun juga dapat teman-teman berikan kepada siswa. Semoga contoh soal narrative text ini bermanfaat. Silahkan dishare jika artikel ini bermanfaat dan menarik. Terimakasih.
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Once upon a time there was a very rich man who lived with his three daughters.  The two older daughters laughed at anyone who did not dress as well as they did.  If the two of them were not resting at home, they were out shopping for as many fine dresses and hats as they could carry home.  The youngest daughter, Beauty, loved to read.  “Your nose is always in a book," her two older sisters said.  They laughed.  "No one will want you! Look at your hair.  You look like a servant girl!”  Beauty did not know why they were so mean.  But she said nothing.
One day, the father got some bad news.  He had spent all of his money on a ship that he sent out to sea for trade.  Now he learned the ship was gone!  Everything on it was lost.  All at once, the rich father became as poor as poor could be. The family could no longer stay in their big house.  The fine house, its fine tables and chairs, and all of their fine things, had to be sold.
All the father had left was a little hut, deep in the woods.  So that is where he and his three daughters had to move.  Living in the hut in the woods was hard work.  Each day a fire had to be started, meals cooked, the place cleaned up, the garden tended, and things needed fixing when they broke.  Now that the family was poor, you might think the two older sisters would help out.  Think again.   (adapted from

1.        How many daughters does the rich man have?
a.         One
b.        Two
c.         Three
d.        No daughter

2.        … as well as they did (paragraph 1). The word ‘they’ refers to…
a.         The father and the daughters
b.        The three daughters
c.         The two daughters
d.        The father

3.        Beauty did not know why they were so mean (paragraph 1). The opposite meaning of ‘mean’ is…
a.         Kind
b.        Ugly
c.         Violent
d.        Generous

4.        Why did the rich man have to sell his belongings?
a.         Because their daughters had used up all of his money
b.        His business failed
c.         He couldn’t afford to pay the rent of his big house
d.        He didn’t want to live in his big house again

5.        The following statements are true, except
a.         All the daughters of the rich man liked to spend money buying fancy dress and hats
b.        After leaving the house, the rich man and his daughters lived in the wood
c.         The rich man used to own a ship
d.        After his father became poor, the two daughters didn’t change their behaviour.

Answer keys
1.        C
2.        C
3.        A
4.        B
5.        A


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