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Merry Christmas Felix Shiaw- From the Bottom of My Heart.

Note: You may find my post offensive, and thus I will say from my heart that if you get offended by my post I really DONT CARE. HEHEHE
Well first of all, I’d like to wish all my Christians friend Merry Christmas. Hope you all have a peaceful and joyful Christmas.  

Okay, it’s been a while for me not to write my “own writing”. Hmmm… What do you mean buddy by “own writing”?

Well if you follow posts in my blog, you’ll see that most of my posts is about a story that I translated from Bahasa Indonesia into English and vice versa. Barely have I written a post coming from my own opinion, a post from a brilliant idea popping out from my smart brain. *whatever *sigh #YOLO.

Well Okay, in this post, I am going to review an e-book.

What????? Review?!!!!!!!!!!!! Yiksss!!!!!!!!!!
Let me finish b***ch, LOL. I am going to review an e-book that I just downloaded from my friend’s blog. Well, she updated or more precisely shared her blog on Facebook. And it appeared on my Timeline, the title of its post caught my attention. It is about an e-book whose title is “Merry Christmas Felix Shiaw”.
kebun cerita cerita rakyat cerita daerah kisah seram nyata

How does it sound to you now, folks? Well, you are interested too right. Bahahahha, yeah so was I. I downloaded the book by the time I opened her blog. And I finished reading it in less than 2 hours. What a record for me! And now, I am going to give you a review of it.

“Merry Christmas Felix Shiaw”. What a tingling title! For Indonesian people, that name will sound really familiar. Well for you who don’t know about him, I won’t bother myself to explain who he is to you, because it is not my job. You can ask Google, duhhhh!
If we look at the title of the book, we will believe that the book will give us a very interesting discussion about Felix Shiaw. We will easily guess that the book will entertain us with the author’s opinions that mostly against the opinion of Felix Shiaw about Islam that “unfortunately” (for me) is believed by most youngster in Indonesia, especially the girls. Eww!! Lol

Shockingly, if you just expect that the book will talk about Felix Shiaw, Girl I told you, this book will give you more than that. This book also gives you a story of the author lives, the author friends (which in my humble opinion fells a bit boring as it doesn’t relevant with the title) But, But, I do really appreciate him for writing such a book. Two thumbs up. I really need more people to write more book to criticize that Felix. *sigh 

Besides Felix shiaw and the story of the author life, the book also offer the writer opinion about”Habib Rezieq” (Ghosh, I really don’t know how his name is spelled) that –according to the author- has a very “loud” voice every time he delivers a speech. Then, the author also mentioned the most controversial websites ever exists in Indonesia. Yeah, you know what it is. It is, or, I am sorry I don’t remember the address of the website as I fell disgusted every time I read news or articles on that website. And PKSPIYUNGAN, you can thank me later because I advertise you website here, B***ch!! *adayangpanas *ooops #YOLO

Oh wait, you know what? 


I really like the sarcastic introduction the author write about Felix Shiaw. Hahaha I really could stop laughing when I read those lines. OMG, that lines really made my day. Okay, I’ll copy some of lines here for you to take a glimpse of the book.

Saya punya ikatan sentimental dengan Islam. Sejak

kecil, orang-orang tua di kampung saya berusaha

sekuat tenaga agar saya bisa mengaji, salat dan

puasa. Mereka pun memberikan teladan, hingga

saya meyakini bahwa Islam adalah agama terbaik,

terhebat. Islam adalah jalan bagi saya untuk

menemukan kedamaian.

Makin dewasa, kecintaan saya terhadap Islam

semakin besar. Melebihi kecintaan saya terhadap

Indonesia. Melihat negeri ini, saya sering sedih.

Anjing, amburadul betul. Tapi menyaksikan umat

Islam di Indonesia, saya jauh lebih sedih lagi. Umatnya

bodoh-bodoh mampus! Mereka semakin jauh dari

ketentuan-ketentuan Islam yang sebenarnya.

Awal-awal kuliah di sebuah kampus Islam, saya

perhatikan mahasiswa-mahasiswa yang konon

muslim dan lulusan pesantren sangat urakan. Mereka

pun berorganisi dengan nama tempelan Islam. Tapi

kelakuan dan pikiran mereka aduhai kacau sekali.

Sok bebas. Sok liberal. Saya pikir saya tidak bisa

tinggal diam, saya tidak boleh cuma damai sendiri.

Lama-lama saya bisa saja menjadi kafir kalau hidup di

tengah umat yang bebal. Saya harus berbuat sesuatu.

Tapi Allah memang maha adil, maha tahu apa

yang dibutuhkan hambanya. Setelah beberapa

semester di universitas, saya bertemu dengan sosok

hebat luar biasa. Pengetahuan Islamnya luas dan

mendalam. Ia sangat mumpuni untuk menjadi

pemimpin spiritual. Dan yang paling penting, ia bisa

bicara dalam bahasa saya, bahasa generasi saya,

bahasa gue-elo. Ketika ia membicarakan Islam dan

khilafah, topik ini terasa sangat dekat, membumi dan

sangat masuk akal. Orang itu bernama Felix Siauw.

Lihatlah bagaimana perkembangan ustadz

kebanggan saya itu sekarang. Sejak pertama saya

mengenalnya lima tahun yang lalu, saya sudah yakin

ia akan menjadi orang besar, orang terkenal yang

mondar-mandir di televisi dengan jutaan pengikut.

Bukan hanya mengisi pengajian, Ustadz Felix juga

menulis buku, menyebarkan tausiyahnya melalui

facebook, twitter dan youtube. Bahkan di media

sosial, ia biasa tertawa dengan “wkwkwk”. Gaul

banget. Meski saya jarang menghadiri pengajiannya,

berkat bantuan teknologi, perlahan-lahan saya pun

meyakini apa yang diperjuangkan olehnya, khilafah

adalah solusi semua persoalan anak manusia.

Hahha, for god sake! Seriously? Those lines make me laugh my as* off. Well that is really brilliant writing about Felix Shiaw I ever read. Well maybe you find my opinion is extremely subjective as others may also find those offensive, especially those who are Felix’s followers and Licker-errrr I mean Liker. LOL

Well folks, (I sound like that Flickerman from Hunger game, don’t I?) what do you think about that book. Wanted to read it, and laugh with it? You can freely download the book here!. Don’t worry, it’s legal. 

Oke, bye from now. See you soon.


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