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"A Hologram for the King" Review

“Have you ever wanted to know how it would like if a good actor plays on a shit-hole movie, and by shit-hole it means that the movie is extremely disappointing?” For that question, my answer is definitely yes, and if you also have the same answer as I do then I’ll tell you one movie tittle ( of course it’ll be followed by my “lame” review. So embrace yourself! ) that will quench your thirsty feeling of watching how a movie can ruin a reputation of a good actor. The movie that I am going to present to you is “A Hologram for the King”. “What?” Yes, that what I said the first time I read the title but thanks to the good actor that eerie tittle can a little bit sound “normal”. Alright before I “dissect” the internal parts of this movie, I’ll introduce who the good actor I have mentioned is to you. Well, he is “Tom Hanks”. Yeah Tom Hanks, who doesn’t love Tom Hanks? Everyone loves Tom Hanks except Samantha Lewes, L-O-L. And to be frank, the first time I saw the poster of this

"Don't Breathe" Review

Hai guys! Kali ini gue bakal nge-review film yang barusan gue tonton semalem dengan lampu yang gue padamkan (ga penting banget sebenernya gue ngasih info ini tapi ya tak apalah). Film yang bakal gue review ini adalah salah satu film dengan genre thriller tahun 2016. Dan judul dari film ini adalah “Don’t breathe” FILM APAAN SIH? Yup! Seperti judulnya, film ini mengisahkan tentang orang yang ga bernafas a.k.a ga ambekan kalau Bahasa Perancisnya, wkwkwk, I am joking. Okay film yang disutradarai oleh Paman gue,”Fede Alvarez”, ini mengisahkan tentang kehidupan 3 orang pembobol rumah yang mengalami pengalaman menegangkan saat membobol sebuah rumah di kawasan “hantu (“ghost” neighborhood). Wooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tunggu dulu! Sebelum gue ceritain tentang alur cerita film ini, lebih baik kita kenalan dulu ama sang sutradara. Tiba-tiba gue pengen ngasih sedikit perkenalan kepada lo semua tentang paman gue ini. Lo semua udah pada tau kan siapa Fede Alvarez? What? Belum?