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Legenda Amat Rhang Manyang || Cerita Rakyat Aceh || Part 1

To read the story in English click here! Dikampung Pasie, berdekatan dengan Paya Senara daerah Krueng Raya, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Pada zaman dahulu, berdiamlah di tempat tersebut satu keluarga terdiri dari bapak, ibu dan seorang anaknya laki-laki bernama Amat. Amat, sering juga di panggil " Agam " ( Dalam Istiadat Aceh, panggilan Agam adalah untuk seorang anak laki-laki maupun perempuan di panggil Inong).   Keluarga ini tergolong miskin. Pekerjaan sehari-hari adalah mengolah sabut dan garam. kulit kelapa yang umunya dibuang orang, mereka kumpulkan, lalu direndamkan dalam lumpur. Setelah beberapa lama, rendaman itu diangkat, di bersihkan. Isinya yang sedikit membusuk dibuang sehingga tinggal seratnya saja. Serta ini diolah atau dipintal menjadi jenis tali sabut.   Untuk memasak, mereka menggunakan kulit kelapa, pelepah dan daunnya sebagai kayu api. Sedangkan bagi orang kaya semua itu dibuang atau tidak dibutuhkan dalam kebutuhan mereka, cuma dibutuhkan un

The Life of Amat Rhang Manyang || Aceh Folklore || Part 3

To read "part 1" click here! To read "part 2" click  here! Sooner after he thought about his father, he fell asleep. The rain was falling outside. One day, in the morning, Amat went to the harbor, and he found that the harbor was more crowded that usual. Some ships were docking on the harbor and lots of people looked busy doing their jobs. Amat was standing alone watched them. Lately, Amat frequently came to the harbor by himself. Their friends preferred to play kite, or wrestle in the beach, or play football in the open field located not far from the village. Sometimes, their friend would like to watch peupak leume (cow’s fighting) held in the rice field that had already been harvested. For Amat, what his friend did would not catch his attention because he would choose to go to harbor to see the ship and everything related to it. That day, Amat embraced himself to meet someone that worked in the harbor. He knew him as he lived not far from his

The Life of Amat Rhang Manyang || Aceh Folklore || Part 2

To read "Part 1" click here! To read "Part 3" click here!   Time by time, year by year, Amat grew up and became a teenager. He always helped her mother with effort he could do. Still, how hard he had tried to work, he still lived in a poverty. Kruen Raya is a river where there was a harbor at that time. People used to send things from Aceh to another place there. Also, imported goods passed this harbor before they were taken to the place where they were going to use or sell. Aceh merchant was already big at that time. There were lot merchant ship sailing and docking in the harbor every day. The crowds were always seen in the harbor. Hundreds of boxes were being loaded and unloaded. By the time a ship would sail, many paddle were moving in the side of the ship. The paddles were moved from the inside of the ship. As the movement of the paddles got faster, the speed of the ship would be too. As the ship started to leave the harbor, many people that were t