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Contoh Soal Reading News Item dan Kunci Jawabannya (Filippo Bernardini)

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Contoh Soal Argumentative Text dan Kunci Jawabannya (Floating Breakfast) 

Contoh Soal Narrative Text dan Kunci Jawabannya (The Man, The Boy and The Donkey)


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fraudulent activities via

An Italian man has been arrested in New York for impersonating figures from the publishing industry online, in order to fraudulently obtain unpublished manuscripts of novels and other books. Filippo Bernardini was arrested by the FBI at JFK airport on Wednesday. The 29-year-old was charged with wire fraud and aggravated identity theft. Legal documents allege he registered more than 160 fake internet domains from 2016. He will appear before a federal court in Manhattan on Thursday.

Bernardini's arrest could explain a mystery that has baffled the literary world for years, with agents, editors and Booker prize judges falling victim to phishing scams from slightly altered official-looking email addresses, requesting manuscripts of works by authors including Booker Prize-winner Margaret Atwood.

In an interview with The Bookseller in 2019, Atwood confirmed there had been "concerted efforts to steal the manuscript" of her book The Testaments, before it was released.

"There were lots of phoney emails from people trying to winkle even just three pages, even just anything," she noted.

According to The Guardian and The New York Times, author Sally Rooney and actor Ethan Hawke were also targeted in a similar manner.

The FBI claims Bernardini "impersonated, defrauded, and attempted to defraud, hundreds of individuals" to obtain unpublished and draft works. However it is not yet clear why he may have done it. Manuscripts were not found to have been leaked on the internet, and nor were any ransom demands made, the New York Times noted.

The Italian worked at the London-based publisher Simon & Schuster but there is no suggestion that the publishing house is at fault and they are not named in the legal papers. In a statement provided to the BBC, a spokeswoman for the company said they had suspended Bernardini pending further information and were "shocked and horrified" by the allegations.

"The safekeeping of our authors' intellectual property is of primary importance to Simon & Schuster, and for all in the publishing industry, and we are grateful to the FBI for investigating these incidents and bringing charges against the alleged perpetrator," she added.

US attorney Damian Williams said Bernardini "allegedly impersonated publishing industry individuals in order to have authors, including a Pulitzer prize winner, send him prepublication manuscripts for his own benefit". He added: "This real-life storyline now reads as a cautionary tale, with the plot twist of Bernardini facing federal criminal charges for his misdeeds." (Adopted from



1.     The following information is true according to the above text, except…

a.      There have been several authors who have been targeted by phishing scams and fraudulent activities

b.      Bernardini was working as a writer at one of the publishing houses in London during the time he committed his fraudulent crime

c.       The investigators has not yet reached a final conclusion as to why Bernardini committed his crime

d.     Even prize-winners are not safe from scammers

e.      In committing his crime, Bernardini pretend to be a staff working in an online publishing company


2.     Legal documents allege he registered more than 160 fake internet domains from 2016.” (Paragraph 1). The word “allege” on the sentence can be best replaced with…

a.      Predict

b.     Imply

c.      Report

d.     Claim

e.      Conclude


3.     From the above text, we know that scammers usually deceive their targeted authors by…

a.      Alluring the authors to visit the bookstores and buy the scammers’ books

b.     Giving them fake awards and then asking them to submit their draft works

c.      Creating a fake official publishing house email and communicate with author by using it

d.     Asking the authors for money in return for some unpublished books

e.      Pretend to be the targeted authors and then publish some books


4.     In a statement provided to the BBC, a spokeswoman for the company said they had suspended Bernardini pending further information and were "shocked and horrified" by the allegations.” (Paragraph 4)  The word “they” in the sentence refers to…

a.      The company

b.     The allegations

c.      Bernardini

d.     The books

e.      The BBC staffs


5.     What did Bernardini do with manuscripts and draft works he fraudulently obtained?

a.      He asked for money to authors and returned the stolen files

b.     He published and sell them to publish companies

c.      He uploaded them to the internet

d.     He delete all the stolen files

e.      He kept the files with him


Kunci Jawaban

1.     (B) Bernardini was working as a writer at one of the publishing houses in London during the time he committed his fraudulent crime

2.     (D) Claim

3.     (C) Creating a fake official publishing house email and communicate with author by using it

4.     (A) The company

5.     (E) He kept the files with him




Baiklah sekian contoh soal reading Bahasa Inggris yang dapat Kebun Cerita berikan. Semeoga contoh soal ini bermanfaat untuk melatih kemampuan membaca teman-teman. Sekian, terimakasih dan sampai jumpa lagi.


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