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Showing posts from December, 2016

Pisang Misterius

* Cerita ini ditulis berdasarkan pengalaman teman penulis yang ia alami ketika kecil. “Mak gatel mak” teriakku sambil menggaruk garuk kaki ku yang mulai berair karena garukanku. Ibu ku yang sedang memasak di dapur pun dengan tergopoh-gopoh berlari ke arahku. “Solet” (alat memasak yang digunakan untuk menggoreng)   kecil masih berada di tangannya. “Aduh ojo dikukur le” ( Aduh jangan digaruk nak) kata ibuku sambil menyingkirkan tanganku yang sekarang penuh dengan air yang keluar dari penyakit kulit yang sudah ku derita selama beberapa tahun ini. “Gatel tenan mak” isak ku sambil memandang ke arah ibuku “Yowes, kita tunggu bapak aja ya, besok kita berangkat ke puskesmas” kata ibuku sambil membopong tubuh kecilku ke dapur “Kakinya direndem air anget dulu ya biar ga gatel” lanjutnya lagi sambil meraih sebuah ember kecil berwarna hitam. Aku pun hanya mengangguk pelan sambil merasakan gatal yang teramat sangat.  “Mak salepnya mana?” tanyaku  “Salepnya ...

Bali Sadhar Tengah

      Hi Guys, how are you? Today I am going to give you a brief review of how my village looks like. Well it is not a review tho, because I am not eligible to do that. Who I am thinking LOL? A village analyst? LOL. What I am going to do now is giving you a brief description, that’s it. Sunrise behind my home in Bali Sadhar Tengah BUT WHY DO YOU DO THAT? I don’t know, this idea came to my mind at sudden. When I was walking to my rice field near my home suddenly I was thinking of writing an article telling how my birth place looks like. SO please now, those still wondering and grumbling on it, leave my blog at instant, hahahha. I was just kidding, if you leave, who else gonna read my lame writing, so please stay! WHAT IS YOUR VILLAGE CALLED WHAT IS THE STORY BEHIND IT? This is the part that I like the most, talking about a history of something. First thing first, my village is called Bali Sadhar Tengah. One thing that I like from my village n...

Invigorating Songs You Should put on Your Playlist Now!

Have you ever felt that life has put too heavy burden o n your shoulder that you can't manage to hold it anymore? Have you ever felt that life has been unfair that you want to beat it up straight in its face? Have you ever felt that you really useless that you wish to take your own life? Well don’t, live won’t become better just because you are grumbling, crying, murmuring, or dying. While it is okay to let your emotion all out and not quickly shut off your anger, it would be much better to revive your mood , get up from your sorrow and become even stronger person.  Psychologically, people need stimulus to make them feel “alive” again. Other people may need to have a break and sniff fresh air by going to som e where green , other people may get their emotion better by reading lines in the books, and others maybe need music to pull their life together. Thus,  now I am going to tell you some music that can boost your mood and help you put your life together again. ...