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Showing posts from October, 2016


More and more parents are complaining the inactiveness of their children at home. Those parents mostly stated that their children spend their time at hoe sitting in front of a computer’s screen. Watching TV, or just lying at a coach. Their children are rarely engaged with any physical activities outside.               Parents are now relying on the schools to motivate their children to do an activity outside. And schools, because of that, have answered the parents’ worry by offering their students a program called physical education. The question is now “Should we make the program as a required program or should we make the students take it as an option?             School is basically place where students learn something formally. By attending schools, it is expected that students will gain their knowledge. But, would it be enough? The answer is absolutely “no”...


     Hai apa kabar? Berhubung “membludaknya” permintaan dari pemirsa tentang pengalaman gue kemaren ikut seleksi beasiswa LPDP (Padahal ga ada yang minta :D), maka dari itu gue bakal nulis artikel tentang pengalaman gue ikut beasiswa yang tingkat popularitasnya semakin naik dari tahun ke tahun ini. Semoga apa yang gue tulis ini dapat mengilhami pembaca sekalian dan perlu diingat apa yang gue tulis ini sangat-sangat subjective dan mungkin tiap orang akan mengalami hal yang berbeda. So, don’t depend yourself only on what I said. PART 1 APA SIH BEASISWA LPDP? Well bagi lo yang udah tau apa itu beasiswa LPDP mungkin ada baiknya lo langsung skip ke bagian part 2 karena part 1 gue tujukan bagi mereka yang masih minim informasi akan beasiswa ini. Oke, di sini gue akan jelaskan bahwa beasiswa LPDP adalah Layanan Beasiswa diperuntukkan kepada pemuda pemudi terbaik Indonesia. Namun demikian beasiswa ini menjadikan wilayah, strata sosial, dan gender sebagai pertim...